
A word cloud of medicare related words.

Medicare advantage or SUPPLEMENT Plans

Are you looking for a Medicare plan designed just for you? Are you looking to cut down costs on major medical issues?

The Cochrun Group offers a broad spectrum of Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement Plans, and Prescription Drug Plans. 

We believe in offering plans that are best suited for our Medicare Beneficiaries' needs.

Our team of agents

We have over 48 years of combined insurance experience helping clients prepare for the unknown. Whether you are looking for Medicare Advantage, Medicare/Medicaid plans, life insurance, or short-term medical plans, we can help you with all of that. Our team works with the industry's well-known insurance carriers so that you can rest assured knowing that you are in good hands.

A medicare id card and an insurance card.

We're Here for you to help you with the following services.

  • Medicare Advantage - Medicare Supplements
  • Major Medical - Short Term Plans
  • Medicare/Medicaid (Dual) Plans
  • Dental & Vision Plans
  • Life Insurance - Final Expense - Term -Return of Premium
  • Mortgage Protection
  • Annuities
  • Universal Life - Index Universal Plans

Get a Free Consultation

Our customers are our number one priority. With over 48 years of combined insurance experience, we understand our customers’ needs and take pride in setting the bar really high when it comes to customer relations. We have made it our mission to provide each customer with a sense of stability and mental peace of having their health and their future secured. Reach out now for a free consultation to see what plan works for you.
